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Djibouti Gender & Female Genital Mutilation Consultant 

Scope of Work

Collective Impact is looking for a gender expert who is currently Djibouti City to co-facilitate the GTA tool and process for the UNFPA and UNICEF Global Joint Programme to Eliminate FGM  The Gender-Transformative Accelerator Tool (GTA tool) was developed through the UNFPA-UNICEF Global Programme to End Child Marriage, one of the largest global joint programmes.  It has been implemented in 17 countries as well as through Girls Not Brides - Girls Not Brides through national networks of CSOs in Nigeria and Mozambique.

The GTA tool encourages critical reflection and awareness to understand how programmes can better address unequal distribution of resources between genders, to consider how roles and responsibilities are allocated between different genders, and to assess how power secures higher status and privilege for some people. The GTA operationalizes key gender concepts and frameworks. It presents an opportunity to bring a cross-sectoral group together to strengthen gender-transformative approaches into programmes to shift the needle for adolescent and young people for a meaningful impact.  Inherent in the tool is a powerful interactive and evidence-based approach to reflection and analysis of existing programmes and internal gender biases that impinge on addressing young people’s wellbeing and empowerment. 

The GTA involves a 5-day participatory workshop, as follows:  

Days 1-2: Values clarification exercises to address gender, agency, and power

Days 2-3: Core Elements of a Gender-Transformative Approach: A collective assessment of program interventions, while clarifying concepts, across the socio-ecological framework, through a consultative ranking process across the gender equity continuum. 

Day 4: Deep Dives: In-depth reflection and analysis of barriers and bottlenecks, and exploration of opportunities, based on a prioritization of program priorities. 

Day 5: Roadmap of Actions: Building on the previous day, and based on a shortlist of actions, involves the articulation of strategic actions along with details of the implementation timeframe, support needed and measures of success, and with assignment of responsibilities among team members. 

The workshop in Djibouti City is scheduled for November 17-21.  The consultant will support and co-facilitate the participatory GTA process to implement gender transformative approaches in the joint Global Program to Eliminate FGM


Specifically, the contractor will:​​



The payment for this project will be deliverable based and the total allocated budget is between US$4000-6000.

Interested candidates should submit their resume, daily rate, and a brief cover letter describing why they are interested and a good fit for this project to .  Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis.



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